Rotate with us!
To rotate at HCA Florida Kendall Hospital, please apply through Clinician Nexus:
Create an account
Verify your email address
Select your medical school upon setting up your account
Search “HCA Florida Kendall Hospital”
Select “Zuly Alonso”
Click “Connect”
Upon logging in, search for Kendall Hospital and the month with which you hope to rotate. For example, it will appear as Kendall Hospital (May), should you wish to rotate in the month of May.
Under the section of rotation goals, copy and paste the below as this is the goal/objective of our clerkship:
Identify the critical steps to stabilize an acutely ill or injured patient
Know the differences between the Emergency Department, the office, and the inpatient setting
Understand the unique educational aspects of Emergency Medicine and recognized the importance of the team concept in caring for a patient: paramedic, nurse, respiratory therapist, and physician working together for the patient’s benefit.
Perform directed history and physical, develop a differential diagnosis, and propose management and treatment options for the most common chief complaints (abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, shortness of breath).
Satisfactorily perform an oral presentation during morning report to emergency medicine residents and attending physicians.
Should you have difficulties email our Clerkship Director, Brandon Stein, and our Medical Student Coordinator, Zuly Alonso.
Required information for Applications:
Immunization Form
COMLEX and/or USMLE Scores
CV or Resume
Background Check
For additional information or questions, please contact:
Chief Resident for Medical Student Education
Emergency Medicine Residency Program
HCA Florida Kendall Hospital
Email: KendallEMChiefs@gmail.com
Mark Rivera Morales MD
Clerkship Director
Emergency Medicine Residency Program
HCA Florida Kendall Hospital
Email: Mark.RiveraMorales@hcahealthcare.com
Zuly Alonso
UME/GME Coordinator
Undergraduate Medical Education
HCA Healthcare | East Florida Division
11880 Bird Road, 1st Floor, Suite 101, Miami, FL 33175
P 305.485.2965 | M 954.789.9077