Who would have thought that Conference on Halloween could be so much fun? Luckily thanks to the hard work of Kendall’s Sim Director Dr Antoinette Golden and her Aventura counterpart Dr Jessica Cook, we switch up the routine and had our Third Annual SimWars: Kendall vs Aventura.
Both residencies split up into teams by class and competed against one another for simulated bragging rights. Everyone got into the spirit (including judges) and wore costumes to celebrate the day.
Some pearls learned from the day:
When dealing with Toxic Exposures do not forget to decontaminate your patients and wear proper PPE’s.
Be weary of agitating the pediatric patient with a tenuous airway.
Lithium Toxicity can present at different levels depending on the chronicity.
Memorize the dose of Epinephrine in Anaphylaxis (.15/.3 mg IM).
In real life and especially on the boards do not forget to request Fingerstick Glucose.
Special thanks go out to our Residents on the Sim Track : Dr. Joseph Proza and Dr. Vinicius Knabben for preparing and proctoring two of the Sim Cases.